Friday 23 December 2016

Fungal counts Is acceptable in classified areas?

 Viable monitoring Fungal counts :

*General limit of colony forming unit (CFU) is given all regulatory guileless.  *All have their own limits for microbial contamination of air but none of them    have a separate limit for the fungus. 
 * Follow these regulatory guideline limits but it is not necessary to define an     In-house limits for fungus.
* Colonies are count as CFU per plate or per Cubic meter( m3).

*Limits in CFU shows that fungal colonies are acceptable in classified area. 
*Any regulatory Guidelines do not say to count colonies separately as bacteria and fungi. 
* You can define an own  in-house limits for fungus as your wish.

The Major Fungal Pathogens :

1.    Candida Albicans

2.    Aspergillus Spps

3.    Cryptococcus

 Fungi is mainly divided in to the two categories.

1.    Molds – Aspergillus Brasilensis (Aspergillus Niger)

2.    Yeast – Candida Albicans – unicellular (made of single type of cell) grow at 20-250C and 30-350C. 

·  Because Candida Albicans cans grow rapidly high temperature also 30-350C

·    SDA or SDB 30-350C  also can grow and identification of further 3 to 5 days.

Image result for fungal plates

What is the fumigation and fogging?

What is the fumigation and fogging?