Sunday 15 January 2017

How to calculate the analytical balance print reports

N= number of Weight

X- = average of weight

SD = standard deviation

Srel = relative Standard Deviation

Ex =Total weight

Min = Minimum Value

Max = Maximum Value

Diff = Difference

X1 = first weight 

X2 =  second weight

Example :

X1 =137

X2 = 256


X- = 137 + 256 = 393/2 = 196.5

SD = √(X1-X-)2 + (X2-X-)2………………………/ N-1

SD = Amount of variation close to mean.

SD = (137-196.5)2 + (256-196.5)2/2-1 (-59.5)2+(59.5)2

59.5 x 59.5 + 59.5 x 59.5

3540.25 + 3540.25 7080.5


Ersl = related standard Deviation %

  • Relative standard deviation  is also called Coefficient of variation (CV).
  • Is also called Imprecision. 
  • Is measure the amount of variablity relative to mean.
  • It is calculated as follows.

RSD  %= standard Deviation (SD)  / Mean  X 100

=84.1/196.5 X 100 = 42.79%

What is the fumigation and fogging?

What is the fumigation and fogging?