Thursday 12 January 2017

Membrane hetero Tropic Plate Count Agar (mHPCA)

  • Membrane hetero Tropic Plate Count Agar.
  • M-(HPC) Heterotrophic Plate Count Agar Base is recommended for the enumeration of heterotrophic microorganisms from water samples using membrane filter technique.

Composition                                         Grams / Liter
Peptone  ……………………………………20g
Gelatin ………………………………………25g
pH 7.1 ± 0.2
  • Peptic digest of animal tissue (peptone) is the source of nutrients for organisms.
  • Gelatin is utilized by microorganisms through a proteolytic mechanism.
  • Agar is a soldifying agent.
  • The addition of glycerol to the basal medium provides a source of carbon and energy.

What is the fumigation and fogging?

What is the fumigation and fogging?