- Water sampling purpose 250 ml sterile water bottles to be used for microbial analysis.
- Poly polypropylene water bottles to be used for microbial analysis shall be sterilize in a validated autoclave cycle.
- Ensure the sampling point properly labelled or not.
- The valve of sampling point / user point shall be opened.
- The water shall be drained at least 1 minute.
- The bottle shall be held from the base and slowly open the cap.
- Take precaution not to touch the mouth of the bottle.
- The sampling bottle shall be taken near the sampling point.
- The sampling bottle shall not be rinsed when sampling for CFU.
- The sample shall be collected without any delay.
- The bottle shall be screw capped tightly.
- The collected and labeled samples shall be brought to the microbiology laboratory for testing immediately.
- For testing out side laboratory packing in air -conditioned cargo.
- The samples shall be tested within 2 hours of collection.
- If testing shall exceed 2 hours, the samples shall be stored in a refrigerator at 2-80 C for 12 hours upon refrigeration.
- For more information refer NPDWR (National Primary Drinking water Regulation ) 40 CFR 141 issed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and WHO water guidelines.
- For the collection of Chlorinated raw water add (validated amount) 2 ml of 3 % Sodiun thiosulphate (STS) before sterilization.
- Water sampling bottles sterilization process before add little amount of purified water because proper heat distribution.
- Pharmaceutical water requirement absence of coliforms and pathogens.
- Water systems should be monitored at a frequency that is sufficient to ensure that the system is in control and continues to produce water of acceptable quality.
- The sampling plan should take into consideration the desired attributes of the water being sampled.