- Agar is a solidifying agent.
- Agar is phycocolloid.
- Water soluble polysacharide.
- Extracted from red purple-marine algae (Rhodophyta).
- Including “ Gelidium” and “Gracillaria.”
- Agar is a jelly-like substance.
- Agar was first used in microbiology in 1882 by the German microbiologist Walther Hesse, as assistant working in Robert Koch's laboratory.
- He discovered that it was more useful as a solidifying agent.
- Solidifying agent - 1 to 2 % agar is used
- Growth of Anaerobes - 0.1 % agar is used
- Motility studies - 0.05 to 0.5 % agar is used
- Obtained from seaweeds.
- Used for preparing solid medium.
- Remaining firm at temperature as high 650C.
- Agar melts at approximate at 850C.
- Agar melts at 850C and sets at 450C.
- When agar used in formula, use agar that has a moisture content not more than 15% .
- It has no nutrient value in media.
- It was bacteriological inert(Not effected by the growth of the bacteria and fungi).
- It is stable at different temperature used for incubation.
- 1-2% agar is employed in solid medium.